Insurance Placement


Fixed Assets


Insurance Valuation

Insurance companies and their clients engage Marshall & Stevens to provide independent opinions.

Insurance companies and their clients engage Marshall & Stevens to provide independent opinions of value of machinery, equipment, vehicles, furniture, fixtures, buildings and improvements for insurance placement and dispute purpose.

From observatories to historic churches, pulp mills and manufacturing plants to retail distribution centers, our team is called upon to provide analyses for a wide range of assets and properties.

Replacement Cost New can mean many things depending on the policy. Most policies insure to the standard definition of Replacement Cost New, meaning the subject property can be replaced with assets with near equivalent utility.

Reproduction Cost New is often the standard for custom properties, historic buildings, and older properties where new technology exists. Reproduction Cost New is the cost of replicating an exact replica of the property. In either case exclusions can be deducted as specified in the policy.  

Property, Plant & Equipment

Professionals in our Machinery & Equipment and in our Real Estate Valuation practices perform valuations for insurance placement and dispute. Analyses are best performed with a site inspection, but desktop analyses are performed upon request. 

Fixed Assets

We like to discuss the use, service, and maintenance of the assets with your facility manager so that we gain an appreciation for the useful life and condition of the assets – two considerations that greatly affect the value of assets. We can also clean up the asset list so that you are not insuring assets no longer in use. An asset list cleanup may also reduce your property taxes.

Combination and Efficiency

Clients oftentimes engage us to perform valuation analyses for multiple purposes at the same time, gaining efficiencies by having us produce insurable value analyses at the same time as cost segregation analyses, property tax analyses, ghost asset analyses (fixed asset cleanup), purchase price allocation and/or collateral lending analyses.


Consider us a trusted resource. We provide valuation consulting from before assets are acquired, before insurance policies renew, during the renewal process and, on occasion, after an insurable loss.

Industries Served:

  • Agriculture
  • Automobile, Truck, and Bus Manufacturing and Assembly operations
  • Broadcast, Entertainment, and Telecom
  • Construction
  • Education
  • Energy Generation and Distribution
  • Food Service and Production
  • Government
  • Healthcare and Medical Facilities
  • Hospitality
  • Manufacturing Plants including Chemical Plants, Paper Mills, Steel Mills, etc.
  • Material Handling
  • Mining & Oilfield
  • Religious Institutions
  • Research and Technology

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