Business Interruption
Intellectual Property
Personal Injury
Litigators, insurance companies, accounting firms, and others refer matters that require economic damage calculations to our specialists. The results of our analyses are provided through Rule 26 reports and clear expert testimony. The breadth of experience, technical proficiency, and diversity of expertise at Marshall & Stevens make us exceptionally well-suited to service a wide range of clients and cases.
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Personal Injury | Business Interruption | Construction Litigation | Class Action
Commercial Litigation
Commercial disputes have an almost unlimited variation of issues in dispute. The professionals at Marshall & Stevens have extensive experience across most industries and in dealing with complex financial matters related to disputes. Our experts have testified in Federal, state, and bankruptcy courts as well as at arbitration.
Our experts have a strong background in forensic accounting, damages calculations, business valuation, and the like for engagements including, but not limited to, claims of lost profits, unjust enrichment, fraud, breach of contract, purchase price disputes, business interruption, business valuation, IP infringement, construction disputes, etc. The training, certifications, background, and experience of our expert witnesses qualifies us to understand, analyze, and testify on commercial dealings for businesses of any type.
Commercial Litigation Experts
Valuation Litigation
Our trusted professionals have a great deal of expertise in providing expert testimony regarding company or shareholder interest for valuation-related litigation, including shareholder disputes, diminution of value, dissolution, fraudulent conveyance, and post-merger litigation as well as corporate and personal tax disputes. Additionally, we have the forensic background to investigate and factor allegations of fraud or misappropriation into a valuation.
For tax matters, the Internal Revenue Service requires that a valuation prepared for federal tax reporting purposes be provided by an IRS defined “qualified expert.” Transactions that require such analyses include C to S conversions, deferred compensation (IRC 409a), forgiveness of debt, and the transfer of an ownership interest in a business or asset(s) to an individual, entity, trust, and charitable organization (estate and gift tax reporting). Our qualified experts provide valuation and litigation support services that are critical when facing a potential challenge by the IRS. Our valuation analyses and expert reports in litigation disputes are prepared to withstand scrutiny from opposing experts, opposing counsel, IRS review, audit, and challenges.
Valuation Litigation Experts
Intellectual Property
Our professionals have extensive experience in calculating and presenting damages for intellectual property (“IP”) including matters involving patent, trademark, and copyright infringement in addition to trade secret misappropriation matters. With more than 100 IP engagements completed, our team has a strong background and proficiency in analyzing case specific facts to determine the right measure of damages and then calculating lost profit, unjust enrichment, and/or reasonable royalty damages. Our experts are also well-versed in providing analysis related to the issue of irreparable harm and balance of the equities considered in preliminary injunction hearings.
Intellectual Property Experts
Personal Injury
Personal injury matters include every variety of injury caused to another person’s body and reputation, such as injuries and/or death from catastrophic injures, workplace accidents, assaults, medical malpractice, and product defects as well as injuries resulting from wrongful termination and defamation.
Marshall & Stevens’ experts have been engaged in hundreds of cases to analyze and measure damages from personal injury, such as lost earnings and fringe benefits, future medical expenses, loss of household services, saved personal consumption, and care gratuitously rendered. Our engagements have involved the analysis of wage loss claims involving a wide variety of professions and pay structures.
Personal Injury Experts
Business Interruption
At Marshall & Stevens, we combine our accounting and investigative skills and our familiarity with the insurance claims process to assess and measure economic losses caused by natural disasters, supply chain disruptions, product liability and recalls, employee dishonesty, and more.
Our professionals have extensive experience in measuring economic damages in the insurance claims arena, such as business interruption, business income loss, and lost profits including analysis of continuing and non-continuing expenses, extra expenses, and fidelity losses.
Business Interruption Experts
Construction Litigation
When construction projects become wasteful due to mismanagement, delays, defects, or cancellation, it is important to engage the right expert to provide clear and exhaustive calculations and testimony of damages. The experts at Marshall & Stevens regularly provide robust investigative accounting, damage calculations, and litigation support in construction dispute cases.
Construction Litigation Experts
Class Action
Class action lawsuits require an organized, experienced team of professionals to keep track of and analyze claims, measure damages, and communicate efficiently with all parties involved. The professionals at Marshall & Stevens have the experience and the expertise to manage these cases, regardless of size, geography, or industry.
Class Action Experts