Water Infrastructure

Municipalities across the United States are grappling with financial challenges when it comes to funding necessary repairs and expansions of critical infrastructure.

The drive for water and wastewater consolidation is on, with some states requiring municipalities to sell their water systems to meet their capital obligations. Public Private Partnerships (“PPP”) and acquisitions by infrastructure funds and other parties provide opportunities to inject much-needed capital resources into facilities for repairs, maintenance, and upgrades. Additionally, the Water Infrastructure Finance & Innovation Act (WIFIA) provides funding opportunities specifically tailored for smaller municipalities to address critical projects.

Marshall & Stevens provides independent opinions of value of critical infrastructure assets and enterprises, including those in the water and wastewater industry. Our machinery & equipment, real estate, and financial specialists are engaged by utilities, financing sources, and investors to provide valuations of easements, water rights, water sourcing, storage and distribution systems, sanitary conveyance, and wastewater treatment facilities for purchase, sale, and financing.

Our analyses and reports comply with the Uniform Standard of Professional Appraisal Practices (USPAP) and the American Society of Appraisers (ASA) as well as necessary local standards as required.

Water Infrastructure Assets include:

  • Water main pipes and distribution.
  • Wastewater Treatment Plant assets including clarifiers, filtration units and associated equipment.
  • Sanitary conveyance including sewer pipes and lift stations.
  • Water sourcing and storage assets including wells, pumps, and tanks.
  • All other operational assets (vehicle fleets, construction/repair equipment).

M&S Valuation Services include:

  • Water main pipes and distribution.
  • Wastewater Treatment Plant assets including clarifiers, filtration units and associated equipment.
  • Sanitary conveyance including sewer pipes and lift stations.
  • Water sourcing and storage assets including wells, pumps, and tanks.
  • All other operational assets (vehicle fleets, construction/repair equipment).

Water Infrastructure Valuation Contacts

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